Reuben Lowe

Reuben Lowe

Reuben Lowe founded digital platform 'Mindful Creation', as well as the non-profit for young people called 'ACT on it'. He is a published teacher on some of the most reputable platforms, and also works at one of the largest health clinics in the Southern Hemisphere in mindfulness-based therapies. 11 years ago he had a vision about making a difference in a million people’s lives. His passion is about empowering others to be part of the change that’s taking place in our world by using the necessary tools for modern living.




Foundational, Relationships, Body, Emotions, Stress Relief, Focus, Sleep & Travel Meditations

Nyd et eksempel på Sleep: Just For Sleep

The Just For Sleep meditation is a guided relaxation for 22 minutes guided by Reuben. We start with a relaxing 5 senses experience. This is to get you in touch with the you that is behind your eyes. Then you are guided to rest your awareness with the range of different experiences of your body. It then finishes with an energetic surrender to prepare you for this restful nights sleep.

Sleep: Just For Sleep

Af Reuben Lowe | Sleep: Just For Sleep

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