

Adyashanti is an American spiritual teacher and author. He studied Zen Buddhism under the guidance of his teacher for about 14 years. At 31, Adyashanti had an experience of awakening that put to rest all his questions and doubt. He first started giving talks to small gatherings, in a room above his aunt's garage, which grew over years. Today he offers talks, online study courses, and retreats in the United States and abroad.




Foundational, Relationships, Body, Emotions, Stress Relief, Focus, Sleep & Travel Meditations

Nyd et eksempel på True Meditation - Allowing Everything to Be as It Is

In this refreshing session, Adyashanti invites you to let go of all techniques, even the concept of yourself as a meditator, and just let everything be, as it is.

True Meditation - Allowing Everything to Be as It Is

Af Adyashanti | True Meditation - Allowing Everything to Be as It Is

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