Leah Gardiner
Foundational, Relationships, Body, Emotions, Stress Relief, Focus, Sleep & Travel Meditations
Genießen Sie eine Vorschau auf Mindful Listening with Sounds
With a mindful listening practice, we learn to let the sounds we hear to be the anchor to the present moment. Although listening seems like a natural skill, it requires attention and practice to stay present and truly hear what is being communicated. By learning to listen to our inner wisdom and our external environment, we can recognize judgments as they arise and not allow our personal agendas to interfere with our ability to stay open and curious to all of life's experiences. Whether one is totally new to the practice of mindful listening or a seasoned practitioner, the intent is to keep our listening ears open and pay close attention to the sounds, messages and gestures that are happening around and within us as they arise, linger and vanish.
Mindful Listening with Sounds
Mit Leah Gardiner | Mindful Listening with Sounds
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