Fiona Clarke

Fiona Clarke

Fiona has been holding mindfulness courses, well-being workshops, and family retreats internationally for the past fifteen years. She is a co-founder and director of Mind with Heart, an international charity supporting schools in creating well-being cultures. Mind with Heart trains young people and teachers in sustainable well-being, emotional health, relationship skills and social engagement. We use evidence-based tools, such as mindfulness, emotional intelligence and compassion. Fiona has been a student and practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism since 1999.




Foundational, Relationships, Body, Emotions, Stress Relief, Focus, Sleep & Travel Meditations

Genießen Sie eine Vorschau auf B-B-B: Body, Breath, Being

This is a short mindfulness exercise to connect with ourselves throughout the day - either as seated mindfulness practice or when feeling challenged by situations, emotions or people.

B-B-B: Body, Breath, Being

Mit Fiona Clarke | B-B-B: Body, Breath, Being

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