Bjarne Nybo

Bjarne Nybo

Bjarne Nybo is an expert and consultant in mindfulness and emotional intelligence. Bjarne holds a Master of Science degree in International Communication, certification for Meditation from The Chopra Center in California, where he was personally trained by Deepak Chopra, and he holds certification for Emotional Intelligence from Multi Health Systems in Canada.




Foundational, Relationships, Body, Emotions, Stress Relief, Focus, Sleep & Travel Meditations

Genießen Sie eine Vorschau auf Witnessing Thoughts Exercise

A mindfulness exercise you can do whenever you need a quick break. Get ready to connect your awareness to your mind and witness your thoughts and emotions. Do this short exercise when you are having difficulty coming to a decision and maintaining focus.

Witnessing Thoughts Exercise

Mit Bjarne Nybo | Witnessing Thoughts Exercise

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